"...the problem about the egg and the hen, which of them came first, was dragged into our talk, a difficult problem which gives investigators much trouble. And Sulla my comrade said that with a small problem, as with a tool, we were rocking loose a great and heavy one, that of the creation of the world."

Plutarch, Table Talk, Moralia 120 AD

Sky(gaze) within a Cube

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sky(gaze) refers to the ancient practice of seeking information about one’s environment by observing the sky. Many cultures relate the origins of life to the form of a Cube.

This work continues from Genus Loci : Sky(gaze) exhibited at the Parrish Art Museum in 2013, as inaugurating The Platform Series.

The onsite installation poses questions (investigated in The Sky is Falling and continuing in The Sky is Falling (Too): and connects to a global audience streaming online (Happening Live) as had locally (Genius Loci: Sky(gaze)). The form of a cube presented in Coop LeWitt Cube: (re)constructing Sol LeWitt.

Sky(gaze) within a Cube, 2013   7'x 7'x 7' , Cedar, Lexan, Bluestone, Telescope,  Losmandy Tripod

A Hen lays an Egg after light-sensitive cells behind her eyes message her ovary to release an ovum into the egg yolk. Fertilized by sperm, coated by albumen, encased in a shell as the egg travels through the oviduct. This creative process encompasses twenty-four hours; as the rotation of Earth on its axis.

Hope Sandrow - spacetime


observational findings drawn in dirt

