observational findings gallus gallus
Sunday, January 25, 2015
A context for this series of portraits is Sandrow’s flock of Padovana chickens whose ancestral heritage to Gallus Gallus (Red Junglefowl) and the feathered Avian Dinosaurs one hundred and sixty million years ago, and the First Peoples who found their faces and feathers of inspiration for Oceanic, South American, African and Native American Regalia including Shinnecock Nation.
Viewed together the portraits exhibit a visual history of Sandrow’s Flock. Individually, Chickens and their feathers are generally associated with popular and/or low culture. These large-scale portraits reference the artistic practice of the Pop Movement (Lichtenstein's studio nearby, Warhol's further east); photographed by Skogsbergh in the minute detail of scientific investigations. Yet, despite technological advancements since the first humans voiced their dream to fly, feathered birds descended like Gallus Gallus remain the only beings capable of unassisted sustained flight.
Hope Sandrow with Ulf Skogsbergh
Gallus Gallus Padovana Partridge Onyx (see below)
open air studio Shinnecock Hills spacetime Pigment Print on Cotton Rag 48" x 44" (2013)
One of twenty-four portraits of Shinnecock Family Flock Padovana Roosters and Hens
Partridge Klotho
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Partridge Rooster Klotho 48" x 44" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag 2013
Right: Portrait of Semiplume Hackle 48” x 24” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag 2013.
Partridge Onyx
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Partridge Rooster Onyx
2015 44" x 48" 2015 Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Below right: Portrait of Remex; Right Wing Primary Flight Feather
2012 174" x 40" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Partridge Anandi
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Partridge Rooster Anandi
2015 44" x 28" 2015 Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
(r) Portrait of Remex; Right Wing Primary Flight Feather
2012 174" x 40" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Red Lace Bechir
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Red Lace Rooster Bechir
2015 44" x 44" 2015 Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Far Right: Portrait Cuckoo Planar Vane; Contour Downy Feather Padovana 2012 24” x 40” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Partridge Genie
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Rooster Partridge Genie
2015, 44" x 44" 2015 Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Right: Portrait of Semiplume Contour 2013 48” x 24” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Partridge Nick
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Partridge Rooster Nick
2015 48" x 44" 2015 Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Crele Lore
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio shinnecock Hills spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Crele Rooster Lore
2015 28" x 44" 2015 Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Below: Pennaceous Contour Padovana, 2012 36” x 24” Pigment Print on Cotton
Cuckoo Pearl
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Cuckoo Hen Pearl
2015 48" x 40" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Below: Cuckoo Planar Vane; Contour Down Double Feather
2015 44” x 36” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
White Georgio
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana White Rooster Giorgio
2015 44" x 44" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Silver Laced Galileo
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio spacetime
Observational Findings: Gallus Gallus Padovana Silver Lace Rooster Galileo
2015 36" x 44" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Below: Portraits, Pennaceous Contour Padovana, 2013 22” x 28” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Gold Lace Agenor
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Gold Lace Rooster Agenor
2015 36" x 48" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Below: Pennaceous Contour Padovana Gold Lace, 2013 24” x 40” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Red Lace Amurrah
Ulf Skogsbergh with Hope Sandrow open air studio spacetime
Observational Findings Gallus Gallus Padovana Red Lace Rooster Amurra
2015 48" x 44" Pigment Print on Cotton Rag
Below: Semiplume Contour, Gallus Gallus Padovana Red Lace
2013 24” x 40” Pigment Print on Cotton Rag