when dreams collide: life, art and the pursuit of happiness
when dreams collide: life, art and the pursuit of happiness
Thursday, May 25, 2006
When Dreams Collide is an ongoing study investigating timely issues reflected in societal transformations including the status of women; the positioning of artists, and native peoples displaced from their ancestral lands, including The Shinnecock Nation taken by the Town of Southampton in1859, to Sandrow’s Chance Encounter with a white Padovana cockerel on the Shinnecock Hills that he is named for (2006) to now. From the locus of Sandrow’s open air studio Shinnecock Hills
Sandrow’s study frames the challenges and compromises made by Shinnecock to gain shelter. And her own leaving her beloved New York City for a commitment to this project in Shinnecock Hills as an artist in residence.
Above: still frame, from the video, Shinnecock When Dreams Collide: Life, Art and the Pursuit of Happiness
2008 commission for the exhibit "Ornithology" Storrs Gallery at The University of Connecticut