genius loci: observational findings
Genius Loci: Observational Findings
Samuel L. Parrish Curio Cabinet top (above): Two Stereoscopes displaying recreated photographs by Hope Sandrow and Ulf Skogsbergh 2012
(left) a photograph of William Merritt Chase with students (Shinnecock Hills Summer School of Art) in 1900 by Albert Chittenden Collection Hope Sandrow Stereoscope recreation by Sandrow and Skogsbergh; (right) Genie, a Padovana Breed Rooster of Shinnecock Family Flock, Open Air Studio, Shinnecock Hills
Top Curio Shelf(pictured above): Reprints made by Sandrow of Artist Albert Chittenden's album of photographs of Shinnecock Hills and Southampton, Summer 1900, inscribed to Jeannette Bishop 1901 collection Hope Sandrow (left) Two photographs farmers harvesting grain: various sized concave glass; two photograph reprints of William Merritt Chase seated in his home/studio, Shinnecock Hills collection Hope Sandrow
Below: Sandrow’s typewritten excerpt from Lewis Carrol's Alice Through The Looking Glass