the act of one that finds;
a discovery come upon by chance that is particularly valuable or gratifying;
something found or ascertained after consideration;
to find something to be true, to uncover the true nature, identity, or intentions;
findings, tools, and materials used by artisans.
Cottage and Carriage/Gatehouse
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
(2006) Sandrow named her project open air studio in homage to Chase’s art practice: (August 26 2020) she was informed by neighbor John Hunt to read the reported history in the Town of Southampton...
Study of Portrait of a Chicken as an Egg (Candled)
Sunday, August 27, 2017
My unexpected discovery that an egg set on by Gold Lace Hen Rupam posed upright while candled resembles moons, planets and stars.
Subjects of study (Untitled Observations spacetime ) at the time, when...
Monday, March 7, 2016
Silver Lace Rooster Gerard stands guard while Gold Lace Hen Birdie lays her egg in Coop LeWitt South.
Roosters escort the Hens as they select a place to lay their eggs, either inside the Coops or...
Sunday, February 28, 2016
The Process of Egg Formation By Mickey A. Latour, Ryan Meunier, and Jessica Stewart
The formation of an egg is a remarkable process that takes just over a day, from ovulation to oviposition. The...
Sunday, February 28, 2016
8:30 AM Coop LeWitt South open air studio
We know the end. Watch the preceding twenty three minutes of film documenting this egg
created by White Crested Black Padovana Hen Cleome.
A Hen lays an Egg...
Friday, January 15, 2016
(r) December 9 2015 9:30am Gold Lace Hen Sarandipity with Cuckoo Hen Pearl.
Flock elder Gold Lace Hen Sarandipity - one of two surviving first born progeny of founders White Rooster Shinnecock, Gold...
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Corvus brachyrhynchos (American Crow) continue a symbiotic relationship with Shinnecock’s Flock and the wild native birds: protecting them from Hawks. The Crows chase predators: the Flock shares feed,...
Monday, October 12, 2015
Son Silver Lace Rooster Gerard and friend Cuckoo Hen Pearl check the fragile condition of dear Gold Lace, often times Mother Hen, Sarandipity. A flock elder who’s one of two surviving first born...
Observational Findings: Under Glass for purpose of Study
Saturday, September 26, 2015
A Gallus Gallus (chicken) embryo (pictured r), created by a Padovana Hen and Rooster in my Shinnecock Family Flock, looks identical to faces depicted on Ambrym Peoples “Slit Gongs” and “Grade Figures”...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Observational Findings: Drawn in Dirt
The first of many found. Evoking questions in consideration of timely issues from what is Art to who is an Artist to the nature of this drawing, and the composition of an...
Monday, January 28, 2008
White Padovana Hen Katia lays her Egg.
Watch the film this clip was excerpted from: Shinnecock When Dreams Collide: Life, Art and the Pursuit of Happiness.
A Hen lays an Egg after light-sensitive...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
“Having been told by Experts that my Padovana aka Padua Gold Lace Hens Cleo and Chloe were of a non-setting breed, I was surprised to see Cleo doing just that.”
Padovana White Cockerel Shinnecock,...
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
A Chance Encounter (Surrealist doctrine of objective chance) on Shinnecock Hills where Native Americans roamed freely 14,000 years ago until the Town of Southampton laid claim (1859). Where Sandrow’s...