A Hen lays an Egg after light-sensitive cells behind her eyes message her ovary to release an ovum into the egg yolk. Fertilized by sperm, coated by albumen, encased in shell as the egg travels through the oviduct. This  creative process encompasses twenty-four hours; as the rotation of Earth on its axis.                                                     

Hope Sandrow spacetime 

"...the problem about the egg and the hen, which of them came first, was dragged into our talk, a difficult problem which gives investigators much trouble. And Sulla my comrade said that with a small problem, as with a tool, we were rocking loose a great and heavy one, that of the creation of the world."                                                 

Plutarch, Table Talk, Moralia 120 AD     

“Although an expert writes “The breed as a whole IS non-setter. Some hens never read the right books”.                                

Barry Koffler, Breeder, Book Editor, 2007

Hope Sandrow with Ulf Skogsbergh

Nature Morte (still life). Gallus Gallus. Padovana.

2012    44” x 44”    Pigment Print on Cotton Rag

A chick breaks open the eggshell with it’s "egg tooth"  (“pipping”).